3. 能力/才能/资格/容量/性能(复数):capacitate /使能够/赋与能力/ | capacities /能力/才能/资格/容量/性能(复数)/ | capacitive /电容的/ capacities是什么意思,capacities...
capacities英英释义 n.(名词) 容积,容量 能力,才能,本领,才干 资格;地位;职位;资格 能量 生产力 接受能力,容纳能力 理解力 包容力;吸收力;收容力 【电】电容 负载量 adj.(形...
loading capacities 的翻译结果
Loading capacities of between 86% and 100% were obtained in freshly prepared beads by changing exposure time to the cross-linking agent. A range of production sy...
【body capacities】的中文翻译和相关专业术语翻译
【body capacities】的中文译词:人体电容; 【body capacities】的相关专业术语翻译:BODY COEFFICIENT 体形系数; Naozhigou rock body 闹枝沟岩体; body size and body weight...
limit the feedrate capacities 怎么翻译
2021年6月25日 . Increasing the setpressure will increase percent openings of the benzene and PEB recycle control valves and ultimately limit the feedrate capacitie...
